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A healthy body holds a Healthy Soul.

we value your precious health.

Dr. Mackenzie Caulfield

Dr. Mackenzie Caulfield was born in Kamloops, British Columbia, and raised in the lower mainland of Vancouver before moving to Calgary. His early interests included skateboarding, snowboarding, playing strategy games, and exploring science documentaries.

After earning an honors degree in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from Simon Fraser University, Dr. Caulfield pursued research in bioinformatics, drug repurposing,1 HIV vaccine development, and the genetic mechanisms of Chlamydomonas deflagellation. He then graduated with a Doctor of Medicine from the University of British Columbia, where he engaged in global health initiatives across Uganda, Vietnam, India, and Nepal. While in Uganda, he worked with The Office of Pediatric Surgical Evaluation and Innovation to study the incidence and treatment of burns.2 He also authored a study in Addiction Medicine.3

In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Caulfield is actively involved in community healthcare leadership. He serves as Vice-Chair of the MPL Board and as a member of the MNPC Board within the Calgary Primary Care Network, helping to guide initiatives that improve the healthcare system and access for all.

Dr. Michelle Nguyen

Dr. Michelle Nguyen was born and raised in Calgary. She completed her Bachelor of Health Sciences at the University of Calgary and Medical School in Toronto. Afterwards, she moved back to Calgary to complete her Family Medicine residency.

In her free time, Dr. Nguyen likes to try out new recipes with her instant pot, go biking, and spend time with her family and friends.

Dr. Nguyen enjoys practicing comprehensive primary care and has a special interest in preventative care, chronic disease, women’s health and minor procedures.

Previous research that Dr. Nguyen have been involved in included studying preconception counseling in women with diabetes mellitus as well as strategies to prevent cycling injuries. 4, 5

Dr. Sandy Ly

Dr. Sandy Ly is a born and raised Calgarian. She completed her Bachelor of Science, Doctor of Medicine, and Family Medicine Residency at the University of Calgary. She currently practices Family Medicine, Urgent Care, and Rural Emergency Medicine at various locations around Southern Alberta. She is dedicated in providing comprehensive care. Her family medicine practice is geared towards Women’s Health, trained in insertion of the various contraceptive options.

In her spare time, she enjoys travelling, skating, snowboarding, and spending time with her family and friends.

Dr. Sandy Ly is not currently accepting patients.

Dr. Augustine Ijeomah

MBBS, MSc (medical imaging), MRCGP, CCFP

Dr. Augustine Ijeomah earned his medical degree at University of Nigeria in 2009. He worked in various clinical settings in primary care and Secondary care before taking up post graduate training in General Practice in the West Midlands area of England, where he worked for 5 years before arriving Canada. He also worked as a clinical tutor at the St Georges University medical school Grenada, helping to train medical students. He brings with him 15 years of medical experience and knowledge. Dr Ijeomah also has a masters degree in Medical imaging from the university of Surrey, England.

He is a Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC) and holds certification from the Royal College of General Practitioners, United Kingdom (MRCGP) and College of Family Physicians in Canada(CCFP).

He loves day to day medical practice and enjoys managing skin conditions, Ear, nose and throat conditions and chronic diseases. He speaks English and Igbo fluently.

He is accepting new patients.


Dr. Wai Man Raymond Wong

Dr. Ray Wong is originally from London U.K. He completed a BSc in human genetics and PhD in Cardiovascular genetics from the University College London (Ref 6-9) . After working in research, he found that his true passion was for clinical medicine and completed a medical degree (MBBS) from the University of East Anglia in 2012. He pursued a career in hospital medicine completing core medical training at Colchester hospital in 2016 with certification from the royal college of physicians (MRCP). Dr. Ray Wong worked as a Cardiology/general medical registrar for 2 years and also has registrar experience in Geriatrics, Frailty and Stroke medicine. Whilst working in general hospital medicine instead of concentrating on one particular pathology he developed a more holistic appreciation for both the medical and non-medical aspects of patient care. He completed GP training in 2023 in East Surrey with placements in psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) and emergency medicine. Dr. Ray Wong is dedicated to providing holistic care and has an interest in adult general medicine with experience in Geriatrics, heart failure, atrial fibrillation and cardiovascular risk prevention. His other medical interests include mental health, men’s health and ENT conditions.

In his spare time he enjoys hiking, running, gym, travelling, and looks forward to trying winter sports in Calgary. He is also able to see patients who speak Cantonese and French.


1) S.J. Ho Sui, R. Lo, A.R. Fernandes, M.DG.Caulfield, J.A Lerman, L. Xie, P.E. Bourne, D.L.Baillie and F.S.L.Brinkman (jul 2012). Raloxifene attenuates Pseudomonas aeruginosa pyocyanin production and virulence. International Journal​ ​of​ ​Antimicrobial​ ​Agents. 40 (3): 246-51.

2) Caulfield, Mackenzie, Pagliardi, Dino, Rajwani, Alykhan, Maccan Angela, Huebner, Jack, Ribeiro, Amanda1, O’Hara, Nathan, Evans, Robin (Jan 2016). A Method for Multistage Sampling in the Randomization of Household Surveys in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Western Region Medical Research Conference, Carmel, San Francisco, USA.

3) Mackenzie DG Caulfield, Rupinder Brar, Christy Sutherland, Seonaid Nolan (Mar 2020). Transitioning a patient from injectable opioid agonist therapy to sublingual buprenorphine/naloxone for the treatment of opioid use disorder using a microdosing approach. BMJ. 25;13(3):e233715.

4) Nguyen, M., Halperin, I. Electronic medical records and preconception counselling for women with pre-gestational diabetes mellitus. Poster presentation at Quality Improvement & Patient Safety 2015 Conference.

5) Romanow, N.T., Hagel, B.E., Nguyen, M., Embree, T., and Rowe, B.H. (2012). Mountain bike terrain park-related injuries: an emerging cause of morbidity. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, DOI: 10.1080/17457300.2012.749918

6) Dr. Ray Wong, Apolipoprotein AIV gene variant S347 is associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease and lower plasma apolipoprotein AIV levels. Wong WM, Hawe E, Li LK, Miller GJ, Nicaud V, Pennacchio LA, Humphries SE, Talmud PJ. Circ Res. 2003 May
16;92(9):969-75. Epub 2003 Apr 3.PMID: 12676816.

7) Dr. Ray Wong, The APOA4 T347S variant is associated with reduced plasma TAOS in subjects with diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. Wong WM, Stephens JW, Acharya J, Hurel SJ, Humphries SE, Talmud PJ. J Lipid Res. 2004 Aug;45(8):1565-71. Epub 2004 Jun
1. PMID: 15175360.

8) Dr. Ray Wong, Common variants of apolipoprotein A-IV differ in their ability to inhibit low density lipoprotein oxidation. Wong WM, Gerry AB, Putt W, Roberts JL, Weinberg RB, Humphries SE, Leake DS, Talmud PJ. Atherosclerosis. 2007 Jun;192(2):266-74. Epub 2006
Sep 1.PMID: 16945374.

9) Dr. Ray Wong, Link to thesis: https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1446877/1/Wong.Wai-Man.Raymond.Redacted.pdf